
The PRIME Youth Activities in Turkey: A Call for Papers on Youth Radicalization in Turkey

January 14, 2022

As part of the Istanbul Bilgi University “Radicalization Field of Excellence,” the PRIME Youth research team has announced a call for papers from scholars with empirical and theoretical studies on youth radicalization in Turkey from a social movements perspective.

Depending on the success of the workshop, which will be held on 26 May 2022, the research team considers transforming the project into a Special Issue in an international peer-reviewed journal.  

The conference themes are as follows:

(1) the relationship between radicalization and violence,

(2) ethno-cultural, religious, left-wing, and socialist radicalization forms that evolve into violent extremism,

(3) the "radicalization" and "deradicalization" policies of states and international organizations,

(4) the concepts of information and misinformation in the context of radicalization in social media,

(5) the use of the concept within the framework of legal principles and practices,

(6) the reflections and manifestations of radicalization and extremism in the field of art and culture.