The “Radicalization Field of Excellence” Webinars Start in Turkey
25 November 2021,
Focusing on the debates in Turkey and Europe based on various theoretical lenses and empirical studies, our team aims to contribute to the broader public discussion that transcends academia.
The Radicalization Field of Excellence Webinar Series, which the PRIME Youth participates in cooperation with the European Institute and the Department of International Relations at the Istanbul Bilgi University, evaluates the concept(s) of radicalization in International Relations, Political Science, Law, Media, Cinema, and Psychology.
In the webinars scheduled between November 2021 and May 2022, the Field of Excellence members will have extensive discussions with the members of the International Relations Department.
26 November 2021: Social Network Architecture and Disinformation
Guest: Erkan Saka
Moderator: Mustafa Gökcan Kösen
24 December 2021: Deconstructing the Concept of Radicalization from the Past to the Present
Guest: Ayhan Kaya
Moderator: Özlem Cihan
28 January 2022: Radicalization and Violence
Guest: Metin Koca
Moderator: Nagihan Söylemez
25 February 2022: Radicalization by the State: On the Dynamics of Right-wing Radicalization
Guest: Hasret Dikici Bilgin
Moderator: Gökçe Gezer
25 March 2022: The Relationship between Radicalization and Law
Guest: Ulaş Karan
Moderator: Nagihan Söylemez
29 April 2022 Radicalism and Extremism in Contemporary European Cinema
Guest: Deniz Güneş Yardımcı
Moderator: Mustafa Gökcan Kösen
27 May 2022 Individuals Who Have Completed Their Radicalization (?) An Inquiry on the Ordinary and Extraordinariness
Guest: Ayşenur Benevento
Moderator: Sernaz Arslan
The Webinar Poster in Turkish: